Sony has raised the price of its PlayStation 5 gaming console in India in response to the global economic slowdown and currency fluctuations. The Sony PS5 was initially priced at Rs. 49,990 and is now available at Rs. 54,990. The affordable PS5 Digital Edition, previously available for Rs. 39,990, is now available for Rs. 44,990.
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The updated prices for the PS5 and PS5 digital editions are now available on Sony’s official online store. The gaming consoles are now Rs 5,000 more expensive than when they were first released. Sony previously raised the price of the PS5 in Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, Mexico, and China. However, the company kept the prices the same for the US market.
PlayStation 5 Price Hiked In India: Here’s The New Price
Meanwhile, Microsoft intends to raise the price of its Xbox Series X console. According to industry sources, Microsoft may raise the price of the Xbox Series X by nearly Rs. 6,000. As a result, gamers will have to think twice about purchasing the Xbox Series X, which was initially priced at Rs. 49,990. However, Microsoft has yet to announce the price increase officially.
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Along with the gaming console, Microsoft is expected to reduce the price of gaming accessories such as controllers and the Elite Series 2. On the other hand, Sony has maintained the original pricing for PS5 accessories such as the DualSense controller, HD Camera, Pulse 3D headphones, and PS5 DualSense Charging Station. The prices of the gaming accessories are Rs. 5,990, Rs. 5,190, Rs. 8,590, and Rs. 2,590, respectively.
Surprisingly, the PS5 and the Xbox Series X were top sellers when they were released in 2020. Sony slowly released the PS5 digital edition, preceding the dedicated optical disc drive. The PS5 has 825GB of PCIe Gen 4 NVMe SSD and 16GB of GDDR6 RAM in both versions. On the other hand, Microsoft launched the Xbox Series X, which supports 4K streaming at 60fps with upscaling to 120fps. The Xbox Series X has 16GB of GDDR6 RAM and 1TB of SSD storage.
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