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Now You Can Share Tweets Directly on Instagram Stories on iOS

- Updated: 11th Oct 2022, 17:26 IST
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    Share Tweets Directly on Instagram Stories

There’s usually that ONE friend who screenshots their tweets and posts them to Instagram for some verification. If you don’t have those friends, you are most likely one of those. You may now share your tweets directly to Instagram Stories on Twitter for iOS.

The new experience, which began as a test last year, is designed to help those who frequently publish tweets on Facebook’s Instagram. Users could previously publish tweets on Instagram — or any other social media — by taking screenshots natively. The feature is only available for iOS devices for now. Twitter app on Android does not currently support sharing tweets directly on Instagram Stories.

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Share Tweets Directly on Instagram Stories

By hitting the share icon on a favorite tweet and clicking the Instagram icon from the share sheet, you may use the update to post one of your favorite tweets on IG Stories. On your Instagram app, a new Story draft will be created.

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After you’ve created a Story draft with your tweet, you’ll be able to customize it as needed or add extras like a sticker or a handwritten remark before posting it on Instagram Stories. You can also share the Instagram Story along with the tweet you want to post to one of your Instagram followers or groups.

The change makes it easier to share tweets on Instagram and may help users reduce the amount of clutter in their camera roll caused by several tweet screenshots.

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You can also use the exact approach on Snapchat, which is a great extra touch if you’d like to easily share one of your favorite tweets with the rest of the world. Taking screenshots isn’t a good idea because you’ll wind up with a lot of unwanted photographs of tweets inside your gallery app.
